Okay, so it is definitely summer - in the best way possible. We've been having some warm days with kind of cool nights along with some thunderstorms here and there. At the end of the day I'm hot, sticky, and my legs ache (I know - total wimp situation here) from all of the climbing and chasing and cleaning up of juice spills and whatnot. This afternoon, we spent an hour gathering vegetables and picking peas and strawberries at our C.S.A farm. I almost passed on the strawberry picking because there were so few left, but then the bargain shopper in me kicked in and I just couldn't leave the farm without scavenging the fields for the last of the ripe (but not rotted) berries. Miss Mouse was on my back and grunted at me each time I bent from the waist to pick a berry and Chick ate every single ripe berry she found, so I'm thinking that my meager pint of berries is kind of a big deal. Then, after dinner I brought Chick to her nightly swim lesson. Yes, I said nightly. She goes every week night for two weeks, which we hope will help her to feel more comfortable in the water. Tom went last night while I stayed home to hang with Miss Mouse, but after hearing that he got to sit in a lounge chair while he watched Chick have her lesson, I decided that, perhaps, I should relieve him of this duty. I was pleasantly surprised to meet a local friend/crafter, Kelly, there, and since we have been trying to find a time to get together, I joked that tomorrow night I would bring iced lattes for our twenty five minute chill session in our lounge chairs. Perfect.
Oh, and I just had to post this picture of Tom because in this moment he was so perfectly coordinated, but blissfully unaware. Here he was chatting away, nibbling his orange carrot, looking all orange-y, and I couldn't resist.
This is my first blog give-away. It is a pale blue wooden disc pendant necklace with a hand carved birdy stamped on the front. Just leave me a comment by midnight on Friday, July 3, and in it I ask that you tell me something you love (or maybe just like) about the town or city or neighborhood that you live in.
xo e