This is one of Chick's wooden board collages. She used origami and tissue papers, buttons, markers, and glue. When she finished, she said, "See Mama - look at how I'm an artist!" And, she is spot on - she is an artist. I think she must have been making collages in the womb. When Chick was a wee toddler and just beginning to experiment with art, her style was unique and most often all about layering. She loves to blend and cover, and group, and at the same time she is mindful of building and creating something that feels purposeful. Once, she told Tom and I that when she grows up she wants to "be a builder and an artist at the same time," which makes me think of something she said to me earlier in the week while washing her hands in the bathroom. "Mama, there is a t-shirt that I saw a kid wearing and she told me it is a clean-up t-shirt. I think you would really want me to wear it because it helps kids to think clean-up is something fun to do." I inquired further and she said, "Dora is on it. So, to get one all we have to do is
get some fabric, cut out a Dora shape, find a clean shirt, iron it on, and then sew around the edges." Wowzers! I was so proud! Buying the shirt never crossed her mind. She was all, if I want a fun, useful thing, I had better figure out how to make it myself. *Sigh* We aren't big into buying licensed character stuff and we do limit Chick's television intake (I don't think she has even seen
Dora), but I really think this was her response because she is a born crafter, and, my goodness, I love seeing what her busy fingers create.

Below is one of my collage board wall hangings. It is made out of a series of fabric concentric circles covered in Mod Podge. I am just realizing that I am really crushing on circles lately. Oh, and reproduced vintage feedsack too.

I sold my first
story stone in the
shop today! Thank you, buyer, whoever you are.
xo e