I've moved! New blog address.

My new website + blog is emilyneuburger.com.  Please visit me there!

If you have this site bookmarked in a blog reader, you'll want to switch to emilyneuburger.com.

Thanks, and see you in my new space!

xo emily
* treasured *

ach Wednesday I post about some sort of treasure I found during the past week. It might be thrifted or found on a walk or whispered in my ear or discovered on a dark shelf in the basement. Something. Anything that makes me feel lucky and thankful. It doesn't necessarily have to make its way home with me - it just has to be noticed. The idea is for it to cost very little and feel very big. After all, this isn't about acquiring new things; it is about paying better attention to the world around me.

If you discovered a treasure this week (a new friend, a snow fairy, a fancy dish at the thrift store, a birds nest) please do share it, as well as any links, in the comments section below.


With the new year comes a few new blog changes, which I will be making during the next few months. Today, I am feeling pretty excited about this sparkly new thing, my first weekly feature.

This week, I found burlap. It was at our local coffee shop. These beautiful coffee sacks instantly reminded me of dear Maya and her beautiful burlap buckets. I took a class at SAW with Maya this past spring, and I am still feeling thankful for her kind ways, deeply inspiring classroom, and friendship. So, in a roundabout way, the burlap reminds me of my time at SAW.

I haven't yet decided what I'll use these for, but, for now, I am simply thankful for their beauty and for the memories they elicit: rainy afternoons, sloshing through the woods, ink, twinkle lights, crackling fires, and porch rocking.

xo e