I've moved! New blog address.
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Thanks, and see you in my new space!
xo emily
hook board :: sprouts
So, yeah, this is when I start pining away for spring. With the lack of deep snow in our area, I think I should probably still be dreaming about snow drifts, but just knowing that we are so close to March, and that the end of March marks the beginning of spring, makes me itchy for sprouts and warm days and green stuff.
Hence, this little sprout hook board with tender little greenery perfect for hanging keys, candles, dried flowers, and whatever else needs hanging. I've taken to going to the dump on Saturdays where I search high and low for old barn board and such. This hook board is made out of one of the pieces of scrap board found on one of my dump adventures.
I listed it in the shop a few days ago. Oh, and my mom told me that at her house on Long Island two of her purple crocuses popped up through the snow. I'm just saying ......
xo e