We made soap pumps for holiday gifties! I was inspired by this project from Country Living, which I saw pinned on the wall at the local The Clawfoot Tub. I filled our jar with natural dish soap, and it really, really does make me a bit more happy about washing dishes.
We slid a little note in the jar, which suggested that our family should fill the jar with some sort of soap. Just in case it was all a wee bit confusing.The pumps themselves were under $4 here. The one tricky part was that the underside of the metal lids had glass seals which had to be broken. Tom was happy to shatter some glass, and he said it all came out cleanly and easily. Then, he just drilled the holes and we trimmed the plastic tube part to fit into the jar.
Rest and be well this weekend.
The next few days will be slipper filled for sure!
xo e