Another new/old chair found its way into my home. (Total thrifting score!)
I finished all of my finished projects for the photoshoot for my book.
Over a foot of snow fell. We lost an apple tree and maybe my beloved magnolia.
The snow melted.
Our electricity returned after 3 days (some were out for over a week)
3/4 of my book edits are now complete. (The end is so, so, so close.)
I sewed.
I printed.
We've been planning an alphabet birthday party for Mouse. (details to come)
I kicked a 2 week long coughy thing.
Chick discovered the Carolyn Hayward "Besty" books, which I loved, loved, loved when I was 6.
(She is now finishing "Betsy's Winterhouse")
We ate a lot of Chinese dumplings and burritos
Tom parent's gave us an early Christmas gift :: a 5 year old, red, wood stove. (it still sits in our little barn)
I've been readying for this Saturday's Holiday Fair at the Hartsbrook School where I'll be selling lots of handmade goodies.
I drank lots and lots and lots of PG Tips Black Tea
The truth? This past month and a half stretched me. I've never had my work-life balance so askew, and it made things feel a bit unfamiliar. This is the hardest I've ever worked on a project, and I am left feeling so proud and really excited about my book. I can't wait to share more with you in the coming months. I'm sitting here grinning just thinking about it. Seriously.
But, I'm also so ready to snuggle on the couch with my people. There are books to read, popcorn to eat, movies to watch, oatmeal muffins to bake, and walks to take. Oh, and tea drinking/wine sipping with my lovely friends whom I miss, miss, miss. I'm ready!
Most of the poor, leafy, encumbered trees sprang back to life. And, now things are back to a newish normal. Leaves are falling and rakes are propped, ready for use. It all feels like a fuzzy dream.
Thank you to everyone who sent little notes asking where I was. Totally sweet! And, thanks for being here today.
You guys are all awesome possums.
xo e