I'm back after an unexpected week long blog break. I hadn't planned on it, but with all of our house organizing, kid play dates, grown-up chatting and whatnot, the week zipped by with minimal amount of computer time. I am so happy writing here in this space, but it did feel quite nice to have a little quiet time away.
I'm thinking that this week, I'll share bits and pieces of what my last week had to offer. First up is this simple little felt square and hemp twine decoration. I was packing up a box full of Story Stones to send to a customer and decided to use a little 100% wool felt square with some hemp twine as a way to add warmth to the box. It was a super easy (in my head I just said "wicked easy" because of my NH college days) way to add a little pop to the package.
Is everyone trying to cram last minute summer fun into these next few weeks? We've already been to the town pool twice and we have plans to drive to the coast mid-week. I'm totally clinging.
p.s. Have you NH folks see this? It is so spring 2010, I know. Tom and I kind of like it as much (if not more) than the Jay Z original. How is that for a geeky confession?