I've moved! New blog address.
My new website + blog is emilyneuburger.com. Please visit me there!
If you have this site bookmarked in a blog reader, you'll want to switch to emilyneuburger.com.
Thanks, and see you in my new space!
xo emily
a slew of new
The daisies popped up over the weekend. Just above our daisy patch is a bird house with a nest of baby sparrows. This weekend, the mama bird was teaching her babes to fly by nudging them out of the house. We watched some of them on their first flight. I couldn't get over the tiny, baby bird feathers that were scattered about underneath the house. They were shedding their fluff as they took to the air.
This is the new and preferred method of swinging these days. You know I love this.
And, here is our new raspberry and blackberry patch (all 15 plants!). We can't wait to start picking! It was a joy to put our compost to good use by mixing it into this bed. I love thinking that a year's worth of vegetables and fruit leftovers and scraps from our kitchen will nourish these plants.
What new things are popping up around your home?