In the midst of doing all that I do, I've been practicing being mindful and present in whatever moment I find myself in. This practice isn't so much about apple juice spills on the floor being viewed as splendid play as it is about focusing on all that I have rather than on all that might be. Think: less what-ifs and more look-at-what-I-have-right-nows. This is where the happy banner comes in handy. With its simple images of woodland creatures and a cheery home, the garland serves as a clean slate, a reminder not to get too deep in it. When I feel the what-ifs coming on, I've taken to looking at this string of cheer, and it makes me smile.
And so, I whipped up a whole bunch of them because the more cheer the better, right? I used soft Kona cotton (in turquoise and tomato red too) for the base, earthy muslin for the flags, and my little block prints with black ink on the flags.
What else? Miss Mouse has taken to saying "whoopsie daisy" when she drops something and Chick is writing sentences where she spells the number six like this: seks. They kill me.
I am thankful for all that I have.
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