I've moved! New blog address.

My new website + blog is emilyneuburger.com.  Please visit me there!

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Thanks, and see you in my new space!

xo emily


poem=1998 picture=2008

a coastal day

twice we pass
by that "wedding cake house"
pasted with Rococo froth.
my warm soda is leaving sap
of sugar on my gums.
too much. can we go?

no time for
grainy snapshots from your
twenty five cents hunk of
gray camera. i can't breathe with
thick steady streams of heat,
this sauna. this car

is going
too fast. my eyes thirsty
for a swallow of Sunday.
reflections of surf breaking on
the existence of day.
no longer last night

no longer
hiding my face in the
blanket of protection. my
sneakers on the dashboard in sync
with the music. with
you. it's still light so

let's go park
at the edge of the world
where boys with black tarred
on suits ride the waves and plunge in
the seaweed green tangled
life below.