I've moved! New blog address.

My new website + blog is emilyneuburger.com.  Please visit me there!

If you have this site bookmarked in a blog reader, you'll want to switch to emilyneuburger.com.

Thanks, and see you in my new space!

xo emily

some things.

In preparation for the launch of my new website (emilyneuburger.com), I've tidied up my blog and designed a fresh, new banner for the top.  For those of you reading this on a reader, you might want to click through and have a peek.  I'm feeling really happy about the change.
Today, Lori from the Camp Creek blog posted about this short video with Maira Kalman.  Knowing that I am typically instantly inspired by her work, I clicked play.  And, of course -- Maira Kalman never fails to fill me up.  The video was just what I needed to listen to this morning.  It was introspective and comforting in the big picture kind of way and she left me feeling a bit more settled on this Wednesday.

"I have enough.  I have all that I need."

It is so nice to be reminded.

Happy day, friends.
