I've moved! New blog address.
My new website + blog is emilyneuburger.com. Please visit me there!
If you have this site bookmarked in a blog reader, you'll want to switch to emilyneuburger.com.
Thanks, and see you in my new space!
xo emily
p i c t u r e d
* Our friend Bucky who lives at the farm up the road.
* Bright eggs
* Passover dinner
* A student works on her handmade mini-book (the book is four pages long, and each one of hers depicts a different element).
* Mouse waits in her nightgown for Tom to return from his week away.
* Chick rolls home in the late afternoon sun.
I've been posting lots of instagram photographs lately. Find me at redbirdcrafts for more.
Some early spring news: The chives are a foot tall and our baby bean and sunflower plants are growing strong. Looks like Tom's wall-o-sunflower plan is happening.
xo e