I've moved! New blog address.

My new website + blog is emilyneuburger.com.  Please visit me there!

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Thanks, and see you in my new space!

xo emily

4th of July in Brewster, NY

frog pond

stone wall with petunias (I think)
my foot on Auntie Lynn's newly painted purple garden seat
Uncle Michael's grapes (1 bunch out of hundreds)
   a secret garden spot.  the buzz around town is that wine is sipped and cheese and olives are nibbled
blue berries on the bush (we had blueberry bush envy)
hello! story stones! (i had stone envy)

last, but not least, the salt water, heated pool

Chick who has historically been uncomfortable in deep water, took to the pool like a little fish.  Tom and I felt so at ease watching our, often anxious, little girl feel so relaxed and free.  Plus, we were wined and dined in the grandest of ways.  Two words: dessert buffet.

It was a perfect kick-off to a summer full of adventures.

xo e