I've moved! New blog address.

My new website + blog is emilyneuburger.com.  Please visit me there!

If you have this site bookmarked in a blog reader, you'll want to switch to emilyneuburger.com.

Thanks, and see you in my new space!

xo emily

s o u p

 When I have a stuffy cold, I like to eat soup even if the weather is warm and sunny.  It does help a little if the early evening sun shines directly on my soup. 

This is a simple chicken base vegetable barley soup with carrots, barley, parsley, celery (and celery greens), onions, and green beans floating around in it.  Oh, and a big sprinkle of cumin too.   

May the irritating spring cold stay away from you and yours.

Also, I've added some new Story Stones into the shop: a prince and a spring birdy.

xo e