I've moved! New blog address.
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xo emily
Finished macaroni necklaces. As promised.
Whew. The past two weeks have been a whirlwind of chocolate cake, city sidewalks, warm & steamy meals, fizzy drinks, a craft fair, laundry, wool sweaters, rain boots, walks to school, wood fires, and colorful macaroni. Seriously. I feel like if I were to make an image cloud made up the most frequented events of the past two weeks, it would be a big hazy blur of these things. Oh, and being surrounded by family and dear friends (both old and new) would be in there too.
In all honesty, I'd have to add a bit of intense (and at times, stressful) energy into the mix as I was also in the process of working out the details of my next big (super big!!) and exciting project. Happily, all of the intensity is gone, and I am left digging into my most in-depth Red Bird Crafts project to date. I'll share more about this in a later post. Promise!
For now, these are action shots from Mouse's birthday party.
One of Mouse's friends has a big sister who worked diligently on this beauty. Just last night, Chick was remembering this friend's creation (below), and began to replicate it.
Here is Chick with her necklace.
And, Mouse making hers. She was really interested in sticking those green rigatoni noodles on her fingers to make "monster nails." Love.
The kids truly enjoyed stringing necklaces, sorting the noodles by color, and rummaging through the bowls. And, the adults like watching the little ones get their craft on.
Birthday party preparation can feel buzzy and busy, and I am often concentrating on making sure it all goes smoothly. As soon as our home fills with friends and family, I am always left feeling so incredibly thankful to be surrounded by the kindest, most generous, lovable people ever. So thankful. So lucky.
xo e