I've moved! New blog address.
My new website + blog is emilyneuburger.com. Please visit me there!
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Thanks, and see you in my new space!
xo emily
printed felt wall hangings
I'd like to introduce you to my new deer friend. She popped into my mind when a customer asked if I had a shirt with a deer on it. Thank you, mystery shopper, for the inspiration. I also made a new bird, mushroom, and acorn.
You know how I said that hanging with lovely people was my most favorite part about selling at this weekend's craft fair? It really was! My second most favorite part was the time I got to spend thinking about design. I came home with lots of new inspiration and ideas for color, shape, and materials. I love carving stamps of simple, meaningful images, and I'm always thinking of new, inspiring applications for them.
These are some examples of my new wall hanging design (pinned onto my new red display board). The hanging is made out of wool felt, a cotton linen blend, fabric ink, and the ties are little scraps of thrifted, repurposed material. At first, I used various threads and floss for the ties, abut eventually I decided to tap into my large stash of thrifted pillow cases and sheets, and I couldn't be happier with the result. I made these thinking they would be nice wall hangings or door knob hangers. But, hey, now that I think about it, they might even make nice holiday decorations.
Oh, and a bathroom renovation update: We painted the walls, and, at first, it seemed like the color looked like old dirty wall, but after it dried, it ended up being bright and cheery. It is a pale but bright (hello, oxymoron) yellow-green. We painted the bathroom sink cabinet a slightly darker shade of the same color, and we are hanging a really nifty floral shower curtain. I had planned on linking to the curtain, but apparently Urban Outfitters isn't selling it anymore. I'll take pictures when the room is finished. We are so close to having an upstairs sink again. *sigh*
xoxo e